Join Us

We’d love it if you joined the Friends Of Fox Hill. It’s free, and all we need is your email address. We’ll contact you for such reasons as:

  • To advise you of our conservation sessions, our AGM, and any public meeting relating to Fox Hill.
  • To send you our conservation reports and AGM or public meeting minutes.
  • To advise you of any planning applications or consultations affecting Fox Hill.
  • To send information on activities or something that relates to Fox Hill, such as the Tree Preservation Orders.

When you sign up, we’ll send an email to the the address you have entered asking you to validate your account. You will need to follow the instructions in the email in order to join us, so please check your spam, or add to your contacts. Thank you!

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We keep your data private and will use your data only to contact you for the stated purposes. We will never share your data with anyone without your express permission.

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