FoFH letterhead header
Dear friend,
We are pleased to announce that our Annual General Meeting will be held in the upper hall of the Woosehill Community Hall, Emmview Close, Woosehill on Saturday, 24th February 2024 for our members. Please come along and find out what we’ve been up to over the last year; it’s also your opportunity to get involved and ask questions about what we do. Our guest speaker will be from the Rambler’s Association.

The following committee positions will be up for election:
P Chair
P Vice-chair
P Secretary & Membership
P Treasurer
P Website Manager
P Conservation Officer
P Event Management Officer
P Up to 5 more committee members without portfolio

If you would like to stand for a committee position, or nominate someone else, please reply to obtain the appropriate form or for further information.

We look forward to seeing you on there.

Friends of Fox Hill
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