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FOFH newsletter header Sept2019
Dear friend,
Welcome to September! Slowly the spectacular summer bracken is dying back, the last of the blackberries eaten, and the evenings are growing shorter. But despair not, because we've got a great opportunity to get out and enjoy the woods in the last days of summer!

Conservation Working Party

Our first conservation working party takes placed on Sunday September 22nd at 10am, and we'd very much like you to come along and lend a land. Working with a group of experienced conservation volunteers, our aim is to improve the growing conditions for native and established species. Full details including where to meet, and how to let us know you're coming are available on the Friends of Fox Hill website.

We aim to hold working parties on a regular, potentially monthly basis, and will publish a list of dates on the website in the near future.

Footpaths - an update

As you know, we asked for your help in recording the network of paths in Fox Hill and applying to have some of them registered as public footpaths. Thank you to everyone who responded. The footpaths team have been extremely busy analysing the responses and preparing an application, which is now nearing completion. Read more...

Committee Positions

Lastly, we have spaces on the Friends of Fox Hill committee. We'd especially like to hear from people with an interest or experience in fundraising or finance, but anyone with enthusiasm and commitment towards conserving our beautiful woodland is welcome. If you're interesting in helping, or would like to know more, please email Jo Rogers at

Thank you for your continued support


p.s. Did you know we have a very active Facebook group?
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